WMNLI is happy to promote current, ongoing, and annual events from our partners. If you would like to feature an upcoming monitoring project or educational workshop, please reach out to ( Community Scientists with any questions related to these events should contact the organizers directly.

2022 River Herring & Eel Monitoring Training

Join us on Wednesday, March 9th at 5:00 pm for a virtual training on the River Herring & Eel monitoring survey! More information can be found at and you can register for the event at

LI Coastal Bioblitz Training Webinar

JOIN THE LONG ISLAND COASTAL BIOBLITZ!! A bioblitz is a community science effort to record as many species as possible within a designated location and time period. The Long Island Coastal Bioblitz allows participants to explore the amazing diversity of

LI Coastal Bioblitz

JOIN THE LONG ISLAND COASTAL BIOBLITZ!! A bioblitz is a community science effort to record as many species as possible within a designated location and time period. The Long Island Coastal Bioblitz allows participants to explore the amazing diversity of

Using Trail Cameras to Survey Long Island’s Wild Mammals

Janet Pesaturo, author of Camera Trapping Guide: Tracks, Sign and Behavior of Eastern Wildlife. In this one-hour Zoom presentation, followed by Q/A, Janet will introduce the basics of trail cameras: how they work, how to choose one, how to set

River Herring & Eel Survey Training

  The annual Long Island Volunteer River Herring & Eel Survey is one of Long Island’s longest running community science projects. Started in 2006, the survey engages community volunteer scientists to monitor runs of migratory river herring and American eels