Your Results
Your data matters! We are fortunate to have so many enthusiastic community scientists on Long Island. When you submit data to these wildlife monitoring surveys, you provide us with a better understanding of wildlife populations and their habitats. Your data paves the way to knowledge that informs environmental management and furthers conservation and protection efforts across Long Island. Our ecosystems benefit from your participation!
The Wildlife Monitoring Network of Long Island was launched in 2021. Over the years we will be updating this page to showcase “Your Results” from participating in these surveys. Below you’ll find wildlife monitoring survey results for particular surveys in the form of maps or links.
If you would like to use data from the wildlife monitoring surveys for school projects or other purposes, please reach out to the host of the survey to gain permission to use. There is also potential for student projects associated with a survey to be highlighted on the WMNLI.
2021 Volunteer River Herring Survey Sites Map
Batmap LI Survey Site Map
Eastern Turkey Survey Results
DEC conducts the Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey annually. They are conducted during the month of August to estimate the average number of wild turkey poults (young of the year) per hen statewide and among major geographic regions of the state. This index allows us to gauge reproductive success in a given year and allows us to predict fall harvest potential. Weather, predation, and habitat conditions during the breeding and brood-rearing seasons can all significantly impact nest success, hen survival, and poult survival.